The Love Community Church
We are a new church expression situated in Thamesmead, Southeast of London.
We are positioned to expand the frontiers of the gospel in the city of London and beyond. Our church is a centre where disciples are raised, nourished, and released into society to be Christ’s ambassador and change agents.
The vision for Love Community Church London, United Kingdom is borne out of the passion to see the expansion of God’s kingdom in the United Kingdom.
Call to ask any question 07421151837 | 07421524839

Rev & Rev Mrs Damilola Abraham
(General Overseer & Founder)
Rev & Rev Mrs Abraham
The church is positioned to expand the frontiers of the gospel in the land.
It is a centre where disciples will be raised, nourished and released into the society to be Christ’s ambassador and change agents.
Our vision
To raise people to become disciples of Christ, God lovers,
ambassadors of Christ and agents of transformation in the society through the
proclamation of the word of truth in an atmosphere of love.”
The Mandate
God has given us a mandate to raise people to become disciples of Christ, God lovers and agents of transformation in the society."
Our Mission
We fulfil our mandate through the preaching and teaching of God’s word, strong corporate prayer life, dynamic worship experience and a loving atmosphere for all members, visitors and everyone in our community.”